Morning glory Facts

Morning glory Facts
Morning glory is vine that belongs to the morning glory family. There are around 700 species of morning glory that originate from tropical parts of South, Central and North America and tropical and subtropical parts of Asia. Morning glory can be found around the world today. It easily occupies new areas and prevents growth of native plants species. Morning glory is classified as invasive in Australia. It thrives the best in areas with fertile, moist soil, but it can also survive on the poor, dry soil. Morning glory requires full sun for the successful growth. People cultivate morning glory in ornamental purposes and as a source of food.
Interesting Morning glory Facts:
Morning glory is twisting vine that can reach 15 feet in height.
Morning glory produces heart-shaped, green leaves.
Morning glory produces large, trumpet-shaped flowers. They can be white, orange, red, pink, purple or blue colored. Flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (perfect flowers).
Morning glory blooms from early summer until the first frost. Flowers are showy and fragrant and they attract butterflies and hummingbirds, which are responsible for the pollination of this plant.
Name "morning glory" refers to the fact that these plants open their flowers in the morning and close them in the afternoon. Moonflower is type of morning glory whose flowers are opened during the night.
Fruit of morning glory is round seed-pod, arranged in drooping clusters. Mature seed pods are papery brown and hard. They are filled with dark, wedge-shaped seed.
Morning glory propagates via seed and cuttings.
Scientific name of morning glory is "Ipomoea". It means "worm-like" (in Latin) and refers to the worm-shaped stem of this plant.
Morning glory is popular among gardeners because it belongs to the group of low-maintenance plants that produce beautiful flowers. Morning glory is usually cultivated near the fences, arches and walls.
Besides in decorative purposes, morning glory is often cultivated on the walls to provide cooling effects in the buildings (to reduce exposure to the sunlight and heating of the walls) during the summer.
Some varieties of morning glory are cultivated as ground cover.
Some types of morning glory such as water morning glory (also known as water spinach) and sweet potato are used in human diet. Water morning glory is consumed as green vegetables. Sweet potato is prized for its delicious tuber.
Seed of morning glory are used as laxative in traditional Chinese medicine. Seed of some species of morning glory contains toxic compounds that can induce hallucinogenic effects when consumed in large doses.
In the language of flowers, morning glory signifies unrequited love and affection.
Morning glory can survive one year (annual) in areas with cold climates, or more years (perennial) in frost-free areas.

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